Business-to-Business Synthetic ID Fraud Is on the Rise

Fraud Management & Cybercrime
Fraud Risk Management

Thomson Reuters’ Dori Buckethal on How Fraudsters Have Evolved Their Modus Operandi

Dori Buckethal, vice president of risk and fraud solutions, Thomson Reuters

Synthetic ID fraud has moved beyond business-to-consumers to business-to-business fraud as more bad actors are opening fraudulent commercial accounts at financial institutions, said Dori Buckethal, vice president of risk and fraud solutions at Thomson Reuters.

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“Businesses in the U.S. are concerned about engaging with fictitious enterprises. What we are hearing from our customers and through reports and research is that bad actors are opening fraudulent business accounts and applying for lines of credit,” Buckethal said. “They are posing as fraudulent vendors and requiring some portion of payment upfront – and then money laundering with shell companies.”

In this video interview with Information Security Media Group, Buckethal discussed:

  • How fraudsters have evolved their techniques;
  • Measures businesses can take to spot fraudulent vendors;
  • Tools and technologies available to fight fraud.

Buckethal, who leads risk and fraud at Thomson Reuters, has more than a decade of experience in the fraud prevention, detection and investigations market. Her expertise stems from her continuous focus on industry and market trends coupled with a deep understanding of her customers’ challenges.

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