Etiket: House
Hükümet, sektöre özgü Cumhuriyetçiler soruşturmayı siber işgücü kesintilerine engeller, federal sistemlere erişim Chris Riotta (@Chrisriotta) • 26 Şubat 2025 26…
Microsoft, Siber Güvenlik İnceleme Kurulu’nun başkan yardımcısı ve şirketin başkanı Brad Smith’in Mart ayındaki raporunda belirtilen güvenlik hatalarının tüm sorumluluğunu…
The US government has launched an investigation into the national security risks posed by foreign-made vehicles with internet connectivity—especially those…
The US House of Representatives Oversight Committee is opening an investigation into China’s suspected involvement in recent breaches of Commerce…
The White House unveiled Monday a comprehensive plan to address a yearslong shortage of qualified workers in the IT security…
Training & Security Leadership Plan Includes Boosting Cyber Professional Skills, Plus Cyber Literacy for All Jobs Marianne Kolbasuk McGee (HealthInfoSec)…
The White House plans to nominate Harry Coker Jr., a Navy veteran and a senior-level leader on national security issues,…